
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Text for Friday, July 08, 2011

[Jesus] obtained an everlasting deliverance for us.—Heb. 9:12.
On their last night before the Exodus, some of the offspring of Israel were in grave danger. Soon, God’s angel would pass through the land of Egypt, killing all the firstborn. Jehovah told Moses that the firstborn of Israel would be saved if the Israelites took the blood of the Passover lamb and sprinkled it on the lintels and doorposts of their doorways. (Ex. 12:1-13, 21-23) So it proved to be. Later, the whole nation was in serious danger. They were trapped between the Red Sea and the pursuing Egyptian war chariots. Jehovah again provided deliverance through Moses, who miraculously parted the waters of that sea. (Ex. 14:13, 21) Great as those acts of deliverance were, the deliverance Jehovah performed through Jesus is much greater. Jesus is the means by which obedient ones are delivered from slavery to sin. (Rom. 5:12, 18) And that deliverance is “an everlasting deliverance.” w09 4/15 4:16, 17

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