
Friday, January 21, 2011

January 22, 2011

What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?-Matt. 24:3.


The initial fulfillment of the prophecy that Jesus gave his disciples in answer to their question took place in the first century. Jesus spoke of an unusual development that would signal that the end was imminent. Upon observing that development, "those in Judea [were to] begin fleeing to the mountains." (Matt. 24:1, 2, 15-22) Nearly three decades later, in 61 C.E., the apostle Paul penned a strong, sobering message to Hebrew Christians living in Jerusalem and its surroundings. Unknown to both Paul and his fellow believers, the signal marking the opening stage of a "great tribulation" was only about five years away. (Matt. 24:21) In 66 C.E., Cestius Gallus led Roman troops in a nearly successful attack on Jerusalem. But then he suddenly withdrew, leaving open a window of opportunity for endangered ones to escape to safety. w09 5/15 1:1, 2

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