
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Text for Tuesday, January 19, 2011

In every way we recommend ourselves as God’s ministers, . . . by truthful speech.—2 Cor. 6:4, 7.
This certainly proved to be the case with a Witness living in Britain. Attempting to sell a car to a prospective buyer, he described all its good points as well as its faults, including those that could not be seen. After taking the car for a test drive, the buyer asked the brother if he was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Why did he draw that conclusion? The man had taken note of the brother’s honesty as well as his neat appearance. The ensuing discussion led to a fine witness being given. Do we likewise bring praise to our Creator by our good moral character? Paul said: “We have renounced the underhanded things of which to be ashamed, not walking with cunning.” (2 Cor. 4:2) Hence, let us do our utmost to speak truth with our neighbor. In so doing, we will bring glory to our heavenly Father and to his people. w09 6/15 3:19, 20

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