
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thursday, January 20

I am the fine shepherd.—John 10:11.
The years David spent in fields and on hills tending sheep prepared him for the demanding duties and responsibilities of shepherding the nation of Israel. (Ps. 78:70, 71) Jesus too has proved to be a model shepherd. He derives strength and guidance from Jehovah as he shepherds his “little flock” and the “other sheep.” (Luke 12:32; John 10:16) Thus Jesus proves to be the Fine Shepherd. He knows his flock so well that he calls each sheep by name. He loves his sheep so much that while on earth he willingly gave of himself for their well-being. (John 10:3, 14, 15) As the Fine Shepherd, Jesus accomplishes something that David could never do. His ransom sacrifice opened the way for mankind to be rescued from death. Nothing will stop him from shepherding his “little flock” to immortal life in heaven and leading his “other sheep” to everlasting life in a righteous new world free from wolflike predators.—John 10:27-29. w09 4/15 5:7

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